My Recipe for Sweet Tea

Who loves sweet tea?  This girl!  OK, and the rest of my family!

My original post for this recipe on my old blog can be seen right here!

My Recipe for Sweet Tea

1 Cup Sugar
2 Family Size Tea Bags

Fill a large saucepan about three fourths full of water.  Add one cup of sugar.  DO NOT STIR.  Place the saucepan over high heat.  Let the sugar MELT into the water.  Once the water is boiling, turn off the heat.  Do not boil the tea.  Add two family size tea bags.  I use a chop stick or tablespoon to dunk those tea bags under the water a couple of times.  Let steep for at least 10 minutes.  Pour the tea into a large 4 quart (one gallon) pitcher filled about halfway with ice.  If the pitcher is not completely full after adding the hot tea, simply add more water.

You know what to do next.  Pour yourself a glass over ice and enjoy!

My Fabulous Aunt makes a wonderful party punch using Sweet Tea.  Click here to find it!


  1. I am not the biggest tea drinker out there, but on a hot day this has to be awesome and I will have to try it out.
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