A Message from Clint

Mom likes photography, especially of me.

When I was a puppy, I almost died from starvation.  Paws and Claws Pet Shelter in Huntsville, Arkansas gave me food and found my forever family.  Please remember puppies like me.  If you are not looking to adopt or foster right now, you can still help.  Here's how:

1.  Increase Paws and Claws' social media reach with Likes, Comments and Shares.

2.  Volunteer some time at either the shelter or Paws & Claws Thrift Cottage.

3.  Donate or shop gently used items at Paws & Claws Thrift Cottage.

4.  If you notice your neighbors struggling, offer to feed their pets.

5.  Gift items from Paws and Claws' Amazon wish list.  Drop off food, treats or cleaning supplies.

6.  Spay or neuter your pets. 


  1. Great critter post and info. Clint is so cute, I am happy he is in a loving home.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.


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