Paper Bag Puppets for Children's Church

This is the story of Mary and Joseph travelling to Bethlehem and welcoming Baby Jesus into the world!

It is such a treat to teach Children's Church one Sunday each month!  Our group ranges from 5 to Middle School along with a few special needs adults.  We have a wonderful time, but it can feel challenging to present crafts that are simple enough for the younger ones to complete, but allow enough creativity for the older ones to remain engaged.  This one worked great!

Paper Bag Puppets for Children's Church

Varying colors of Lunch Size Paper Bags
Circles for Faces, same size as width of Bags
Cut Outs for Ears, Tongues and Paws
Wiggly Eyes and/or Buttons
Markers or Crayons
Glue and Scissors
Extra Paper for Creative Add-Ons

Each child begins with a paper bag in color of their choice.

Each child also chooses a circle for the face of their creation.  From there, they glue and color to their heart's content.  I kept most of my examples simple.

Did I photograph any of the children's puppets?  Well, no!  Blogger fail!

This shot was captured of James, Johnathan, and Owen being silly with our toy sheep and a shepherd's hook.  We are all wearing bows on our head because we are the birthday gift Jesus really wants.

Mery Christmas!


  1. The paper bag puppets turned out so cute! :)

  2. These are really sweet and I bet they were a lot of fun to make :-)


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