Cardinals in a Winter Storm

Temps this morning were below zero and only climbed into single digits by the afternoon.  Birds were making quick trips to the feeders and then seeking shelter in our evergreens like this magnificent Southern Magnolia.  The above male cardinal wasn't budging from his spot, protected by the large waxy leaves.

A beautiful female cardinal was seen snacking with an English sparrow.

Another one was politely waiting her turn in the same maple tree.

Snow is so pretty, but I was only outside for a few minutes with my camera.  It was just too cold for me!

How is the weather where you are?


  1. Love the cardinals, they look even prettier with the snowy background. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  2. Hello,
    Stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post. I love seeing the Cardinals in the snow, their colors really pop. Take care, stay warm and safe. Have a great weekend.

  3. Lovely Cardinals in the snow!
    They remind me of the book our Book Club read for December - A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg. We all enjoyed it very much.

  4. They look so pretty against the snow.


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