March Fitness and an Update

 It's been a tough month for our family.  Really difficult.  Sometimes the bad news just keeps coming.

First, a former co-worker passed away unexpectedly.  Her family asked me if I could contact her favorite teammates and give them the information about her services.  Of course, I was honored they would think enough of me to seek assistance.  There were a lot of emotions expressed and many of us cried together.  While the circumstances were horrible, it was nice to see everyone who could attend her funeral.

If that weren't bad enough, our daughter asked us to keep a secret for a little while.  She wisely took time to process before announcing to everyone.  Here is what she had to say:

Much of this month was spent inside an emotional cocoon.  Many tears have been shed.
To quote my child, "We will gladly take all the prayers, good thoughts, vibes and energy, etc."


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