June Harvest

Creating floral arrangements is a favorite hobby of mine!  This one is filled with vibrant pink zinnias and cosmos with a backdrop of California mugwort and a photobombing fly!  All of these are planted in my vegetable garden and are pollinator magnets.  

Do you know cosmos are edible?  Adding flowers to any dish makes it feel more special!

Our Roma tomato plants began producing when they were surprisingly small.  I'd rather the plants be more robust, so I've cooked fried green tomatoes a couple of times.  Picking the green ones has really boosted the plants' growth.

Lettuce is being cut weekly for tasty salads.  My everbearing strawberries are still giving me a handful of berries here and there.

The few Scarlet Nantez carrots left are being allowed to bolt, along with the Raggedy Jack Kale.  Both have performed so well, I'm hoping to collect their seeds and create a massive drift of both!

My little greenhouse continues to crank out herbs:  Spearmint for flavored water, chocolate mint for fancy coffee, and Lemon Balm for tea.  There's also sage and oregano for savory dishes.  Swallowtails noticed my parsley and their caterpillars really enjoyed it, leaving little for me.  I love butterflies so much, though, I really don't mind sharing parsley with them.

What's happening your garden?


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