Luna Moth

Handsome Husband noticed this beauty right before I lit some insect repellent.  He advised me not to and then pointed out why.

Although not completely sure, we assume this lovely moth had recently emerged from its cocoon.

The wings and body seemed disproportionate.

I don't think I'd ever realized their bodies were so white, while the legs are a lovely chocolate color with beige antennae.

The gorgeous green wings have always held my attention.  What a treat to spend an evening with someone so beautiful!


  1. Great sighting and photos of the Luna Moth! They seem rare to see, maybe it just me. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  2. How beautiful! It really is so unique!

  3. Nicely captured! I have seen these guys when we loved in Georgia - USA.


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