February Harvest

If you read my Master Plan for 2024, you know I set a goal for gardening.  It's actually my resolution listed as #1.

There was quite a bit of dread writing my gardening update for this month.  January brought single digit temperatures for about a week.  That's enough to wipe out everything left in our little back yard.  Even though Handsome Husband placed a thermostat and small heater in my greenhouse, it can only do so much when Old Man Winter is being grouchy.  On Valentine's Day, of all days, I sadly trudged out to the garden to inspect the damage.  My kale is completely withered.  Those carrot tops I've been trying to turn into pesto are shriveled, too, but surprisingly, I could see carrots!  Grabbing a trowel, they were excitedly dug!  Yay!  I have a harvest for February!  These are Scarlet Nantez Carrots if you are curious.  'Definitely planting them again this year!  Onions and garlic are still green and were gathered, but not photographed.

This photo was taken after a quick rinse.  That small one with a black tip was probably growing against a small rock.  Once the carrots were cleaned and trimmed, they were wonderfully yummy!  Somehow anything from my garden tastes a little sweeter.

What's happening in your garden?


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